My Lost Treasure: Seals and Crofts
We are working on a letter theme here on My Lost Treasure. It's like the Letter Game from The Boris and Robyn Show. Only different. We are doing a week for each letter. We did a week of songs that start with the letter A, a week of Bs, Cs, etc. And we're actually on the second time around. Today it's a D song from Seals and Crofts.
I never talk about my age on the air, but the music I like always gives me away. Today's song takes me back to my tween-age years when I used to spend my summers in Salem, Mass. I stayed at my cousin's house, but I had tons of friends outside of my cousin. It was and impressionable time of my life, full of tween-age things like music and crushes and angst. Every time I hear this song I'm right back there.
We'll be kicking off E songs on Monday. Do you have a good idea for a E song? Let me know at, or find me on facebook. Thanks for all the great suggestions!
Bonus Video: Robyn Taylor’s Rock News