My Lost Treasure: Donovan
We are putting together a city on My Lost Treasure. And we're doing it through songs. I have lived in the Hudson Valley for my whole life. And when I leave, the thing I miss the most is the mountains. We are surrounded by them. So we are adding mountains to our city. Lots of them.
Did I ever tell you about the time I almost met Donovan. In 1998 WPDH was doing a live broadcast from Bethel for A Day in the Garden. It wasn't yet Bethel Woods, it was just the Woodstock grounds. Donovan was one of the performers. We were all staying at The Concord, including Donovan. One morning we were both out front waiting for our rides. I smiled and he politely smiled back. We're practically besties.
There are a lot of mountain songs. Is there a special one you'd like to see featured on My Lost Treasure? Let me know. Email me at or tell me on facebook. Thanks!