Meat Sandwich Takes The Mustard Challenge
This week, Boris did the Mustard Challenge to help raise awareness for childhood cancer. And in that video, he challenged me to do it next.
Here's how it works (or how it's supposed to work): you explain what you're doing, then you eat a big spoonful of mustard. But Boris has to one-up everybody, so he chugged the entire bottle.
Now, I'm not an insane person, so that's not what I did. Instead, I used mustard to write the initials of the guy I'm challenging next and then licked it off the plate: BW for Bobby Welber. (Also, I hate mustard, so this was a pretty intense challenge).
Hoping to become as successful in fighting cancer as the Ice Bucket Challenge was at fighting ALS, the website No More Kids With Cancer is promoting the challenge aimed at raising awareness. Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children in the United States.
Check out Boris's mustard challenge below. You're next, Bobby Welber!