If you are looking for something to do in front of your computer this Saturday night I may have found the perfect virtual event for the curious. Moon, Serpent and Bone Oddities and Curiosities is hold their Monthly night market. These events are fun and informative and give you a chance to explore a Magickal Market with items you probably won't find on Amazon. I attend on event in person and found it to be fun and full of positivity.

Billed as "The Only Monthly Witches Market in the Hudson Valley" Moon, Serpent and Bone invite you to be part of their Virtual Market this months Full Moon Magickal Night Market. It is happening this Saturday (September 5th) from 6 PM to midnight online at moonserpentandbone.com. You can log on from home for this free event.

This months market features Witches from the Hudson Valley and Beyond. Featured Speakers include Lilith Dorsey, Mama Sarah from Conjured Cardea, Jonah Emerson Bell from Blind Stallion Space Wizard, Lauren Haimelin Carter, Scorpio and Gemini from Witch Space and Amy C Wilson from Other Worldly Waxes.

The night market can also connect you with psychic readings both online and by phone. There are a selected group of merchants that will be featured with items both mystical and magickal available for purchase. If this is your first night market it is a great way to introduce yourself to all of the positive energy and curious items that you can discover at this event.




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