Why Are Girl Scout Cookies Up to $3 More in the Hudson Valley?
You may experience some sticker shock the next time you pick up a box of Thin Mints in the Hudson Valley.
Girl Scout Cookie season officially began this week and some parents report that they were shocked to discover a steep price increase this year. While many troops across the country are reportedly dealing with inflation issues, the Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson council has increased their cookies to $7 a box. This makes cookies in the Hudson Valley $1 more expensive than the same ones sold in Northeastern New York, Western New York, Pennsylvania and Northern New Jersey.
In a random sampling of Girl Scout chapters from across the country, we found that cookie prices were mostly between $5 and $6. Girl Scouts of Eastern South Carolina was the cheapest at $4 a box. The few councils we found to be selling cookies for $7 were in affluent communities in Nassau County, New York and Northern California. Even large cities like Boston, Dallas and Chicago are still selling cookies for just $6.
Why are Girl Scout Cookie Prices so Expensive in the Hudson Valley?
We reached out to Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson to find out why there was such a steep increase in prices this year and they explained that the decision was based on "a number of financial and programming factors that will allow GSHH to continue providing exceptional programming to Girl Scouts throughout the Hudson Valley."
The council's Marketing and Communications Director, Jennifer Donohue, explains that the decision to raise prices to $7 was very difficult but necessary to fund camp improvements and other properties operated by the Girl Scouts. The sale of cookies also pays for financial aid and programming supplies needed by local troops.
Donohue says that each of the 111 Girl Scout councils across the country runs their cookie programs independently of one another and would not comment on the finances of the other councils or the price of their Girl Scout Cookies. The spokesperson did say that all proceeds stay local, and troop rewards start at $1.00 per package.
By purchasing even one package of Girl Scout Cookies from a local Girl Scout, you are helping them toward their goal of going to summer camp, taking a trip with their troop, or funding their Gold or Silver Award projects.
Will You Pay $7 for Girl Scout Cookies in the Hudson Valley?
While some of the people we talked to were not happy about the price increase, they all agreed that they would still be buying them not only because they're delicious, but because they wanted to continue supporting the Girl Scouts.
If you're going to purchase Samoas, Thin Mints or my favorite, Tagalongs, it's important to make sure you buy them locally. While you might save an extra buck or two getting your cookies from other neighboring councils, you won't be supporting our local Girl Scout troops. And that's the real reason we all love those cookies so much, right?
The Hudson Valley cookie season is going on now through April 27. Cookie booths won't start up until March 7, but you can find out how to purchase them now by visiting girlscoutcookies.org.
How much a box of Girl Scout cookies costs throughout the years
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