Find out how hard New York fights against elder abuse.

The share of U.S. adults aged 65 or older is expected to be 1 in 5 by the year 2030, and 95 percent of elder-abuse cases going unreported, Wallethub has compiled the report determining states with the best elder-abuse protections.

To determine which states fight the hardest against elder-abuse, the states were compared across 14 key metrics. The data set ranges from share of elder-abuse, gross-neglect and exploitation complaints to presence of financial elder-abuse laws.

So, How did New York stack up? Well, we're not the best, but New York was ranked as the 11th best state in terms of elder-abuse protections.

Elder-Abuse Protection in New York

  • 2nd - Elder-Abuse, Gross-Neglect & Exploitation Complaints*
  • 24th - Total Expenditures on Elder-Abuse Prevention*
  • 9th - Number of Certified Volunteer Ombudsmen*
  • 21st - Nursing home Quality
  • 1st -  Presence of Elder-Abuse Forensic Centers

*Per resident aged 65+

You can view the full report at Wallethub's website.