'Tis the season for giving. Americans are among the most generous people in the world, but which states are the most charitable?

Americans definitely do more than reach into their pockets and donate money to charities, but they also volunteer their time as well. Which adds up to billions of dollars worth of service, and millions of hours.

However, not everyone is equally as selfless as some. Wallethub broke the the 50 states by comparing them across 18 key indicators of charitable behavior. They set ranges from volunteer rate to share of income donated to share of sheltered homeless.

New York was ranked as the 3rd most charitable state according to this report.

Generosity in New York:

  • 14th - Charities per Capita
  • 7th - % of Donated Income
  • 8th - % of Population Who Donated Money
  • 5th - Volunteer Hours per Capita
  • 30th - Share of Population Collecting/Distributing Clothes