Here’s What the WPDH Boombox Looks Like Today
Anyone who grew up in the Hudson Valley remembers the enormous portable radio that would travel to concerts, festivals and events throughout the area. But now it may be destined for the junkyard.
The WPDH Boombox made its debut in the mid 1980s as a way to promote the radio station. The giant "radio" was built on a flatbed trailer so it could be moved from town to town. Inside the middle of the boombox was a broadcasting booth where DJs could sit high above the crowds and host a live radio show from practically anywhere.
The enormous speakers looked like they could blast music clear across the river, but they were actually an optical illusion. The facade of the speakers opened up to empty cabinets where smaller speakers could be inserted to play through special mesh screens on the doors.
During a period of time in the 1990s, the WPDH Boombox was sponsored by Pepsi. As a result of the cross promotion, a special tap was installed so that WPDH staff members could dispense fresh soda to listeners right off of the side of the Boombox. Unfortunately, bees became a problem. The insects would swarm around the sugary tap and drive away listeners. After several attempts of keeping them away with special covers over the taps, the free soda promotion eventually ended.
During the 2000s the WPDH Boombox fell into disrepair. Several accidents and driving mishaps had damaged the trailer. With the advent of small MP3 players the idea of a huge radio rolling down Route 9 also seemed a bit absurd. A misguided attempt to repaint the Boombox made things even more confusing, as the radio dials and knobs were removed, making it look less like a radio and more like a big yellow eyesore. Also, the Boombox's handle somehow disappeared, making it even more indistinguishable.
Today the WPDH Boombox sits in what some fear is its final resting place. The trailer has sunk into the swampy area behind the WPDH studios in Poughkeepsie. Its trailer is no longer road worthy and its registration is expired.
There has been talk of restoring the Boombox. WPDH's 50th anniversary is in 2026, so there is still plenty of time to try and remove it from the swamp and give it the love it deserves for a grand return. But don't hold your breath. As of now there are no official plans to bring the WPDH Boombox back to life.