Doctors traced an Arkansas man's kidney failure to a very unusual cause....his love for iced tea. 

The man drank a gallon of iced tea everyday. Doctors ruled out many other potential causes for his kidney issues, before they found out that he was drinking 16 8-ounce glasses of iced tea per day, as reported by NBC.

Black tea has a chemical that is known to cause kidney stones, or kidney failure in excessive amounts.

Last May, the 56-year old man ended up in the hospital with nausea, weakness, fatigue and body aches. Doctors found that his kidneys were badly clogged and inflamed by the food chemical oxalate.

The man is now on dialysis and will most likely remain so for the rest of his life.

By drinking a gallon of iced tea a day, he was taking in three to 10 times more oxalate than the average American.

Dr. Randy Luciano said:

"I wouldn't tell people to stop drinking tea. What the man drank is a lot of tea"