Police: Clintondale Man Murders Father At Marlboro, NY Residence
On Saturday night state police and Town of Marlboro police were called to the home of Nicholas A. Pascarella Sr. for a report of assualt.
Investigation showed that Pascellas Sr. was confronted by his son, Nicholas Pascarella Jr. and there was an altercation. The altercation occured in the driveway of the residence and Pascarella Sr. suffered head truama and was transported to St.Francis Hospital where he died as a result of his injuries.
Nicholas A. Pascarella Jr. was arrested and charged with Murder 2nd and criminal possession of a weapon 4th. He was arraigned in Marlboro Town Court and sent to Ulster County Jail with no bail.
State police assisted the Marlboro Police along with Ulster County Sheriff's.
Read More: Here
Note From Smitty:
This story hits very close to home for me, as I knew this family. The man charged was my brothers best friend growing up, and I lived on the same street where the incident happened when I was a kid. My heart gows out to them in this terrible time. This is a awful situation, and when you know the people it makes it that much worse.