Can Anyone Make Out What This WPDH Listener is Trying to Say? [AUDIO]
A somewhat confused caller phoned in to Whole Lotta Lunch Friday to request and say....well, something.
You can hear the feedback from his radio in the background, but instead of turning down the radio he somehow turns it UP louder, making the call even harder to understand.
The listener named Jim claimed he was not drunk, but then said he's called in drunk many times before. Okay. So have you been drinking or not?
He appears to struggle to get his thoughts across, but is finally able to request Poison's Every Rose Has it's Thorn (though he says Everything Has It's Thorn...or was it Dawn?)
Listen to Whole Lotta Lunch every weekday at 12 noon for your requests....and to hear people like this. 845-471-WPDH.