American Red Cross Gives New Yorkers Financial Reason to Donate
When was the last time you donated blood? Do you know how often you can donate? This month the American Red Cross is offering additional financial incentive for all New Yorkers to donate blood or platelets this month.
What are the financial incentives? Where can you donate? Why types of blood are most needed right now? Keep reading to find out.
What type of blood is most needed right now?
The American Red Cross is looking for all blood types, O, B, A , and AB, all negatives and positive ones too. There is currently a blood emergency all across the nation. Every type is needed, if you have blood, the American Red Cross would like you to donate.
READ MORE: 5 Things it takes longer to do than donate blood
What is this financial incentive that American Red Cross is offering for you to donate? Is it money?
The financial incentive for this month (March 2023) is a $10 pre-paid gift card that is emailed to donors after your donation. In addition to that, all donors are entered into a drawing for a $3000 Visa gift card, that can be used for just about anything, including gasoline and groceries.
How can you find a blood donation location or a blood drive?
The best place to start looking for one of these blood drives, is their website, RedCrossBlood.org. Who can donate blood? You need to be at least 16 years of age and 110 pounds, and you can donate every 56 days, (6 times a year). Thanks for donating, you really can help save a life.
Things To Know For Your First Time Donating Blood
Things To Know For Your First Time Donating Blood
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