Why Everyone Will Have Pictures of their Pets on Monday New York
Get ready when you get back to work Monday to be swamped by pet pictures all over the internet and social media. Monday, July 11th is All American Pet Photo Day. That's right there is a day set aside to take photos of your pets. It doesn't matter if you have a fish, a bird, a lizard, or even a snake we are all encouraged to snap a picture of our pet on Monday.
If you have ever wanted to show off your adorable fur baby Monday is the day to do it. Spend the weekend taking a few candids of your favorite canine r feline. Then Monday get serious with making a photo montage that you can share not only at work but with the world on all your social media platforms.
Not All Hudson Valley Pets are Cats and Dogs
I expect Monday to be the cutest day on the internet in a very long time. Or least since All American Pet Photo day last year. The National Days Calendar group even suggests that you organize a photo shoot for your pet. They are suggesting you even dress them in an outfit. You can try that with your pet but I can tell you that is a no go at my house. Here is the face I got the one and only time I ever dressed up Minnie Pearl.
The National Days Calendar group is still trying to track down the origin of this particular national day but I don't think it really matters we are all going to enjoy it anyway.