White Claw Shortage Could Devastate The Hudson Valley
You read that correctly, there is a shortage of White Claws across the U.S.
CNN reports that White Claw, a hard seltzer brand, is facing a nationwide shortage in the U.S. The shortage is caused by the sudden spike in popularity of the drink. The senior vice president of marketing for White Claw, Sanjiv Gajiwala said that the sudden increase in consumer demand was faster than anyone could have predicted.
According to CNN, it is unclear when the stock of White Claws will return to normal, but Gajiwala said that they have been allocating products to distributor partners to keep markets stocked as best they can. White Claw was launched in 2016 but has seen a massive spike this year in sales, as people are seeking low calorie low sugar alcoholic beverages more. Competitors include Truly, which has about 100 calories per can, and Bon & Viv, which has about 90 calories per can. White Claw typically has 100 calories per can.
White Claw probably saw a major spike in demand due to social media, memes, and trend pieces. Sales grew 283% to $327.7 million in July 2019, compared to July 2018, according to CNN. White Claw also accounted for 55% of all hard seltzer sales for the week of July 4, 2019. This is a 200% increase from its July 4 2018 sales.
When you're going to your favorite Hudson Valley bar, liquor store, beverage center, supermarket, gas station, etc, and they don't have claws, just keep it cool. It isn't the poor cashier's fault, no need to start a riot. But as the saying goes, ain't no laws when you're drinking Claws (you know I had to).
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