More and more people are ditching cable, and relying on online streaming services, such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon. We have become a binge watching nation, and this map breaks down what each state is streaming the most.

It's so easy to become a binge watcher, with having full seasons of your favorite shows at your finger tips. Looking at the map, you can see that our country likes their dramas, with comedy a close second.

Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon do not release the exact numbers of what is being streamed state-by-state, so the folks at Home Snacks turned to Google trends to see what shows are being Googled the most in each state.

New York is loving "Mad Men", while New Jersey is feeling "Boardwalk Empire". Pennsylvania oddly enough showed that "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" was most popular.

It also appears that Nebraska has just now discovered the awesomeness of "Cheers". It only took them 30 years, but it is Nebraska.