Snake Slithers Up a Rail on New York Subway [VIDEO]
You find a lot of weird things on the subway in New York City.
A video of s snake wrapped around a rail on the L train has spread all over the internet in just a few weeks. Of course, considering that this is the city we're talking about, most of the other passengers barely react.
The man who took the video says that the snake probably belonged to a guy seen standing near the reptile. Seems like a safe bet, especially after the guy can be seen kissing the snake before letting it slither on to the nearby rail.
if you look up "snakes" and "subway" on Youtube, there's actually quite a few videos of people bringing pet snakes on the subway in New York. Maybe that's why no one really really reacted. Hey, people in the city can be weird. And while most of the other passengers couldn't care any less, you do hear one other guy saying:
Snakes on a train, yo, snakes on a train.
Yeah, it's a slow news day.