Small Earthquakes Detected Off the Coast of New York State
When you think of earthquakes you usually think of California, or somewhere far from the Northeast. However, earthquakes do occasionally happen in this part of the country.
In fact, two small quakes rattled parts of Lake Ontario over the past few days.
Localsyr is reporting that a 2.4 magnitude quake struck 25 miles east of Toronto Tuesday. This follows a 1.5 quake that the U.S. Geological Survey says happened Friday about 22 miles north of the Ontario-Williamson town line in Wayne County.
As you can see, the quakes were very small so there's no need to panic about tsunamis.
According to the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, this is actually the ninth earthquake to hit New York state this year alone. Two small quakes even struck near West Point on February 7.
There are smaller fault lines that lie under the ground here in Northeast. Localsyr says that the Central-Metasedimentary fault line was the closest one to Tuesday evening's quake.