Shocking: Ulster County Teens Can Earn How Much This Summer?
For teens who are aged 14 or 15-years-old there is a great opportunity to earn a great hourly wage this summer. What do you need to, to be able to apply for this job? There are a few steps you will need to take, and they will be listed below.
Want to bring home the 'bacon' this summer? Here is what you will need to do to make $15 an hour.
How to get those great summer jobs in Ulster County NY?
The place that you will need to start applying for these great summer jobs is the Ulster County Summer Youth Employment Program, which for many years (over 50) has teamed up teenagers with summer jobs, and possible lifetime connections.

Who is eligible for the Ulster County Summer Youth Employment Program?
Who can apply for these summer jobs, which pay $15 an hour? You need to an Ulster County NY resident between the ages of 14 and 20. You will also need to fill out an application, which includes (if under 18) working papers, social security card, and birth certificate. The applications can be picked up at their office located at 521 Boices Lane Kingston, NY.
READ MORE: Teens Must Do This Before Getting a Job
Is that it, just fill out an application? No, that is just the first step, there will be a phone interview, along with some online orientations and training. The working part of the program will take place, June 26 through July 29, 2023. For more information and the application, click here. Good luck!
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