Recalls are nothing new in the automotive industry and they are also very common in businesses like the supermarket industry. However one thing that is rather rare is for a particular item or vehicle to be involved in multiple recalls over multiple weeks.

Earlier this week, WPDH covered the recent recall that applied to two popular model Ford vehicles. This recall, more specifically the defect that lead to the recall was and is expected to impact more than 450,000 Ford owners across America. Full details on that story may be found below.

Original Recall: Ford Recalls Thousands of Vehicles in New York and Nationwide

This brings us to today where it was just announced that one the vehicles in this recall was listed again in a brand new recall from Ford. This recall is also expected to impact hundreds of thousands of vehicles nationwide.

Unsplash: Dan Dennis-cameramandan83
Unsplash: Dan Dennis-cameramandan83

Newest Ford Recalls

In this latest recall the affected vehicle is none other than the popular Ford Maverick. According to the New York Post, the recall applies to Ford Mavericks sold between 2022 and 2024. That is a total number of over 242,000 trucks, 242,669 to be exact. Each of these trucks was built between February 2021 and March of this year.

Though another recall is a pain, this recall seems like it will be much easier to fix than the previous one. This current recall has been issued due to an apparent tail light illumination failure due to a problem with the vehicles Body Control Modules.

According to the report, the issue "may falsely detect a current overload on one or both of the rear position lamp circuits and deactivate them". Apparently Ford learned of the issue sometime in February and are beginning the process of informing the vehicle owners about the issue.

Another Recall Remedy

As is the case with most recalls, Ford is already taking responsibility for the issue. Customers with affected cars may schedule appointments for their vehicles at the nearest Ford and or Lincoln dealerships to have their vehicle tended to.

Once an appointment has been made, owners may bring their vehicles in to the shop where the vehicles will be provided with the most up to date software update to resolve the problem.

Much like previous recalls, other than the time it will take for an individual to bring their vehicle in to be serviced, this recall will not cost owners even a penny. The Maverick was only introduced by Ford three years ago and they sold approximately 94,000 of these vehicles in 2023 alone.

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Combined with the estimated number of affected vehicles in the previous recall, this would bring the total number of Ford vehicles impacted to just under 700,000. Maverick owners should soon be expecting a notice in the mail about when they can begin scheduling their vehicles for service.

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