Police Say Ulster County Man Was Arrested Three Times In One Day
You've heard of the trifecta. A three-ring circus. The threepeat. Well, three times was certainly not the charm for one Ulster County man, who, police say, was actually arrested three times in one single day. Officials say the man even managed to get arrested twice by the same state trooper that day. How the hell did this all happen? Keep reading.
The 28 year-old suspect's unlucky day started early March 7, when he was pulled over in Newburgh for a traffic violation, according to a press release. The trooper on duty says the man was driving with a suspended license, and allegedly had crack cocaine in his possession. He was charged and released without bail pending a later court appearance. The Post says that this whole incident happened around 7:55 A.M.
But he was just getting started.
The Post then says the same suspect was eventually arrested by the same trooper at 2:30 P.M. the very same day, after being pulled over while driving a different vehicle. Having not learned his lesson the first time, the man allegedly was found in possession of more than one gram of heroin and an amount of crack cocaine, according to sources.. He was hit with a new charge, and then later released, and ordered to return to court at a later date.
Was he finally done for the day? Maybe it was time to turn in and hang low? Nah, how about one more for old time's sake? Police say that about three hours later, the suspect was once again in the same vehicle he drove earlier that morning, and was pulled over for what was reported as multiple traffic violations. The Post says the trooper determined that the suspect was allegedly under the influence of drugs.
Police say he was charged with driving while ability impaired and first-degree aggravated unlicensed operation.
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