Our vending machine is just screwing with us on purpose now.

It's safe to say we've had some issues with our vending machine. Just last month Smitty waged an all-out war after it stole a bag of cookies from him and then taunted with them by dangling them in front of the glass.

The beverage machine isn't much better. We've had several instances where drinks would fall and then defy gravity by balancing against the glass and never making its rightful owner.

While these events could just be chalked up as harmless flukes of nature, this latest issue has us wondering if our vending machine is now turning on us. Take a look at what happened today. There's no denying that the snack machine is now screwing with us on purpose.

Watch as the machine demands exact change, refuses to release the item and then only refunds 15 cents IN CHANGE from the trail mix we never received.

Seriously, this machine is sadistic.