Northern Lights Over the Hudson River Near Tivoli
If you were disappointed by not seeing the Northern Lights over the Hudson Valley last night, here's a view of what you missed.
Some forecasters have been predicting optimal conditions for viewing the Aurora Borealis in the Hudson Valley this week. Unfortunately, most people who ventured outside to catch a glimpse on Tuesday night were disappointed by some cloud cover and lack of magnetic activity.
Predicting the Northern Lights isn't an exact science. It's similar to trying to guess where a rainbow will show up. Conditions may be just right, but no one ever knows exactly if nature will play along.
It's extremely rare to be able to see the Aurora Borealis in the Hudson Valley, but that's not to say it never happens. A YouTube user caught this incredible footage of the Northern Lights over Tivoli back in 2013. The video, shot in October of that year, shows green, purple and violet lights dancing over the Hudson River.
It's possible that we may get another shot at viewing the Northern Lights tonight, as magnetic activity seems to be predicted as a 6 out of 10 for Wednesday evening. Check out our tips for viewing and photographing the lights and be sure to let us know if you see anything. We'd love to share your footage.