New York: Red Cross Offering Trip to Napa for Donating in April
Every few weeks we share with you the urgency that is needed for blood donations. All types of blood is needed to increase the supply at our local blood banks. Who can donate? Where can you donate? All that info is below.
What is the American Red Cross doing to encourage you to donate during the month of April? They are 'sweeting the pot' so to speak, what are will they give you if you go ahead and make a blood donation before April 23?
What is the American Red Cross going to hook you up with if you donate blood this month?
The American Red Cross will give you a t-shirt that has Snoopy on it. Snoopy the Dog from the famous Peanuts cartoon, created by Charles Schultz. Wait is that it? Nope. Everyone who donates by that April 23, 2023 deadline will also be in the running for a trip for two to wine country in California, along with a $1000 gift card, your flights and your hotel accommodations as well.
Who can donate blood in New York State?
To donate blood in New York State you need to be at least 18 years of age, 16 with parents permission. You will need to weigh at least 110 pounds and be in good general health. You can donate every 56 days.

Where can you donate blood in New York State?
There is almost a blood drive near you or a blood donation center close to you. The best way to find out where the blood drives or centers are is to use the locator on the Red Cross website, here is a link to that locator. You will just need to enter your zip code and then you will have access to the ones closest to you.
READ MORE: Things it takes longer to do that donate blood
How long does it take to donate a pint of blood?
The time it takes from the time you get to the center to the time you are leaving is about an hour and a half. The actual donation time is about 45-55 minutes.
Thank you for doing this. You never know who you may be helping.
Never Donated Blood Before? Read This First! Totally Helpful Info
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