My Lost Treasure: George Harrison
We are working on a an alphabet/letter theme here on My Lost Treasure. We're doing a week of songs that begin with the letter A, then a week of Bs, and so on and so on. And we're back to the A songs for the second round.
Today's treasure always reminds me of my friend Dan the Man. I met Dan when I was only 17 and we have been friends ever since. We are pretty old, so that is a long time. Dan introduced me to a lot of the music that I listen to even to this day. I was a big Beatles fan, and I liked what I knew of George Harrison's solo stuff, but Dan really got me loving George. He played me the albums, not just the hits. And I will be forever grateful.
Got a song that starts with the letter A that you would like to hear? Or any song for that matter. Let me know at robyn@wpdh.com or find me on facebook. Thanks!
Bonus Video: Robyn Taylor’s Rock News