Most Valuable Fidget Spinner Being Sold in the Hudson Valley
If your kid has fidget spinner fever, you need to get him or her one of these.
Last summer was all about Pokemon Go, this year it's the summer of the fidget spinner. Wherever you look, kids are twisting and twirling their fidgets. Collectors have even popped up, traveling from store to store in a quest to hunt down some of the more unique and rare designs.
If you have a fidget spinning fanatic in your family, you should probably get over to Champion Sport Cards and Paintball on Vassar Road in Red Oaks Mill. They have a huge selection, including those popular Batman shaped spinners. But what makes their collection even more valuable is that 75% of the purchase price of your spinner will go directly towards helping kids suffering from childhood cancer.
Champion has jumped on Team Boris in this year's Battle of the Stands. That means the money you spend on your spinner will be added to donations from other Hudson Valley businesses to Alex's Lemonade Stand.
Businesses like Vinny's Deli in Pawling, Joe's Dairy Bar in Hopewell, Fishkill Beer and Soda and others have all pitched in to help.
If you have a way you'd like to help raise money for Alex's Lemonade Stand, please let us know. You can send a message by to either Boris or Robyn through this website or the WPDH Facebook page.