This may be the crappiest park in the Hudson Valley... literally.

Children who wanted to spend Saturday on the swings at a local playground were greeted with raw sewage, fecal matter and remnants of toilet paper. Talk about being a party pooper, the smell alone was enough to keep pretty much everyone away from Round Lake Park in Monroe.

According to Time Warner News, residents put up quite a stink after showing up to see mud-like sewage flowing through the playground. The county responded, flushing out crews to make a temporary fix. Town of Monroe Supervisor, Tony Cardone, told Time Warner that workers have blamed a storm drain that got backed up, but the supervisor is poo-pooing that theory.  He believes the way the sewer pipes are constructed could actually lead to more smelly backups.

Some residents claim that in all the years they can remember going to the park they haven't smelled squat. Although now some may think twice before dropping the kids off at the park.

It's not clear if this explosive situation will continue to rear it's ugly head, but there's one thing that's for certain, residents just want to wipe away this steaming pile of problems and get their park fresh and clean again. Here's hoping the Town of Monroe will make cleaning up the number two a number-one priority so mom and dad can send their little squirt back to the playground.