Governor Hochul met with Pope Francis to sign an important document that will affect all New Yorkers.

The pope hosted a three-day summit, inviting the heads of cities, towns and governments from around the globe. Governor Hochul was in attendance to represent New York in what she calls a "moral obligation" to join forces against a terrifying "existential threat to humans".

Susan Watts/Office of Governor K
Susan Watts/Office of Governor K

Hochul Pledges New Yorkers to Follow Planetary Protocol

The joint summit was hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences to discuss the climate crisis. A common theme throughout the event was the shared belief that world leaders need to unite in order to protect everyone, especially those most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

New York has officially signed on to the Planetary Protocol for Climate Change Resilience which acknowledges the crisis and pledges to take immediate action. Although the lengthy document spells out the dangers of climate change and the imminent threat to people across the globe, it doesn't promise any specific legislation or measures.

Susan Watts/Office of Governor K
Susan Watts/Office of Governor K

Instead, the protocol calls for the creation of a Planetary Protocol for Climate Change Resilience that includes experts on social issues, scientists, community leaders and politicians with the ability to affect change. The alliance will work to come up with ways to not only act against climate change but also implement ways to aid people around the world who will begin to feel the effects of it over the next decade.

Hochul says that New Yorkers are already familiar with the symptoms of a warming planet.

From hurricanes to heat waves, New York has experienced the devastation of the climate crisis. Through coordinated action with our colleagues from across the globe, we will continue to move towards a more resilient future.

In a press release, the governor touted the many measures New York has made to battle climate change and vowed to continue to enact policies that will address the growing threat to the world.

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Gallery Credit: Allison Rapp

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Gallery Credit: Karolyi