H.V. Reptile and Rescue Virtual Tours and Parties
Have you heard of Hudson Valley Reptile and Rescue? I had not until recently, but I'm glad I stumbled upon this compassionate organization while I was researching fun things people can do online during the pandemic. And I'm happy to help spread the word.
Hudson Valley Reptile and Rescue is an organization providing education, rescue and other services since 2004. Through hands-on and virtual outreach their goal is to share their passion for these amazing animals and to educate the public about their pivotal roles in our ecosystems as well as providing knowledge about ensuring captive animals thrive through proper care. They take in reptiles who need new homes, take care of them, and work diligently to make sure that those animals which are re-homed are matched with the ideal situation for that animal and it’s new keeper.
And now Hudson Valley Reptile and Rescue is offering virtual tours and birthday parties complete with individual animal birthday cards sent by email. They are also offering virtual tours where you can learn all about the animals from the comfort of your own home. Want to find out more? Visit their facebook page.
Listen to the Boris & Robyn Show weekday mornings from 6AM to 10AM on 101.5 WPDH through your WPDH mobile app. Connect with WPDH on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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