FTC Warns of New Scam Targeting Military and Veterans
Various scams targeting all sorts of groups are common in New York. It often doesn't matter who you are or where you're from, scammers from all over the world are looking for ways to take advantage of your vulnerability and steal your data, money, and even your identity.
Those scams aren't limited to members of the general public, there are several scams that seek to target the people who have volunteered to protect us every day, and the Federal Trade Commission is warning members of the military, their families, and veterans of a new scam that is aimed directly at them.

Scam Targetting Servicemen and Servicewomen in New York
The FTC is warning servicemen and servicewomen of a new version of the bank imposter scam from a few months ago where scammers are calling servicemembers pretending to be from the Defense Finance and Accounting Service.
DFAS is the division of the Department of Defense that handles payroll for the military and the scammers try to trick servicemembers that they were underpaid in a previous payroll and tries to get their personal information, including bank account details. Sometimes the scammers even claim to hold a higher rank or more seniority to further convince the person being scammed they should follow directions.
Both the FTC and DFAS have issued warnings to people to be on the lookout for these scams. They even give a few tips on how to recognize if you're receiving legitimate communications.
One of those tips is to remember that DFAS will never call, email, or text anyone to demand money or personal information, and DFAS does not make unsolicited calls about payroll mistakes, debts, or other issues like that.
If you or someone you are connected to is a member of the Armed Forces, please make sure they're aware of this scam.
If you think you've been scammed, or someone is trying to scam you, please report it to the FTC here.
LOOK: The biggest scams today and how you can protect yourself from them
This Scam Was Sent To My House