Lucky for you, I have once again searched high and low for the hidden gems on this crazy thing called Craigslist. Have no fear, the things you thought you missed or didn't know you needed are right here.

  • Credit: Craigslist
    Credit: Craigslist

    Magnum Condoms

    Don't have much to say other than, "wow." Guy was super excited when he bought them, but now not so much. He says he "bought the wrong size," not sure whether to say I'm sorry or congratulations.

  • Credit: Craigslist
    Credit: Craigslist

    Free Mattress

    Like I've said, my favorite thing to see on Craigslist because you can always play name that stain and when you guess right, everyone loses.

  • Credit: Craigslist
    Credit: Craigslist

    Wool Scraps

    Listen, I know they are trying to do the right thing and recycle pieces of cloth or clothing that they don't need anymore, but it looks like a pile of laundry. I first thought it was laundry that someone didn't want to do and they would give it away and they would start over. In reality, this is probably pretty useful.

  • Credit: Craigslist
    Credit: Craigslist

    VHS Tapes

    If you can find someone who still has a VHS player, good for you. (Actually I still have one.) Call this guy, grab the tapes, and you got yourself an exciting afternoon. These are some classics that will bring you back to a simpler time.

  • Credit: Craigslist
    Credit: Craigslist

    Bin Holder

    For all those loose bins you have hanging around. Now you can put them in one convenient place. Bins of what? It doesn't matter--this thing will hold them all. Or use it as a shoe rack or a tie rack or whatever you want.