Why Hudson Valley Voters Don’t Receive ‘I Voted’ Stickers
If you live in the Hudson Valley you're not going to get a sticker on election day that proves you voted.
All across the country citizens proudly display the "I Voted" sticker as a badge of honor. It shows that you've participated in our political process and have played a role in deciding our country's future.
But here in the Hudson Valley you won't find a sticker at any polling place, and the reasons vary from county to county.
We called up the Board of Elections in Dutchess, Orange, Ulster and Sullivan counties and they all confirmed that "I Voted" stickers are not handed out at any Mid Hudson polling places. Dutchess County is the only area in the region that even has the stickers, but they only give them to people who hand in their absentee ballots at the Board of Elections office in Poughkeepsie.
A representative at the Ulster County board of elections said that there was a problem with the stickers. When asked what the problem was they faintly recalled an issue that centered around voter fraud. The rep told us that the sticker can be used as proof that someone voted, therefore allowing them to get paid for their vote. Of course, the sticker doesn't say who you voted for, so the explanation doesn't really make much sense to us.
In Sullivan County the reason why stickers aren't give out is a little more practical. They told us they didn't even know they existed until recently. After seeing social media photos and posts of people wearing the stickers, the Sullivan County Board of Elections says they are now looking in to getting the stickers for the next election.
Until then you'll have no way to prove that you voted, and also no way to get that discount at BurgerFi or Gold's Gym. Of course, you could try taking a selfie while voting, but you'll have to decide whether spending a night in jail is worth saving $3 on a burger or not.
Sticker or not, don't forget to go out and vote on Tuesday. And if you want proof, take a friend or two that can vouch for you.