Who Is the “Mother of God” and Why Are They at Hudson Valley Walmarts?
I was doing my daily (hourly is more like it) scrolling on my Facebook newsfeed the other day, when I came across a post from somebody in a local Moms group about a weird encounter she had at Walmart in Fishkill. And judging by the replies, she’s not the only one who has been through this.
According to the mom who posted, she was at the Walmart in Fishkill with her child when she was approached by two young women who were talking about their religion and asked her about the Mother of God. Mother of God? I’ve never even heard of this group, but other readers of the post have.
One person said the same thing happened to her at the same Walmart. Another poster said that it happened twice to her at Walmart in Newburgh last month. And there were people that shared that they have also been approached, one of them at Kohl’s in Wappingers Falls. Even my coworker’s wife was approached by them recently. Apparently, this Mother of God group loves to hang out at Hudson Valley department stores.
When I googled Mother of God, I found out that there are a lot of reputable churches with that name. But somehow, I feel this group that is targeting Walmart shoppers is not from one of those reputable churches. Have you ever been approached by these people while shopping in the Hudson Valley? How did you handle it? Luckily, it doesn’t seem as though anyone has been harmed in any way, but it’s still pretty disturbing.
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