Watkins Glen Brings Back Mask Requirements For NASCAR Races This Weekend
Nascar returns to Watkins Glen this weekend.
Last year the cup race was run at Daytona and not Watkins Glen because of the coronavirus pandemic. Now, the coronavirus is changing the Watkins Glen race again. No, not the venue, but the mask requirements.
NASCAR has decided to bring back some mask requirements for personnel in enclosed areas. That means if you're at the track this weekend you're going to see a lot of track personnel, concession workers, safety officials, and others wearing masks. The requirement states that all personnel with be required to wear masks regardless of their vaccination status. Masks will need to be worn when personnel is inside the enclosed areas like car haulers, buildings, restrooms, the infield care center, race control, and the suites. Masks will not need to be worn when personnel is in an outdoor area where social distancing is possible.
NASCAR and Watkins Glen are bringing back the mask requirements after consulting with the CDC and medical consultants that have recommended the policy change.
What won't change is the general mask guideline for the fans packed in the stands to watch the race. There is no requirement to wear a mask if you're watching the race from an outdoor area. However, the CDC is recommending that with the recent increases in Covid cases, especially the Delta variant, that spectators wear masks and try to social distance as much as possible.
The safest place to watch the races might be from your own living room, but if you want to go there are still tickets available.
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