Sometimes you just gotta give points for creativity. A homemade New York State inspection sticker has gone viral for being "the worst attempt" at a counterfeit, and it's received some of the best reactions on the internet.

Counterfeit Inspection Sticker Goes Viral in New York

"Troopers at SP Endwell were conducting another investigation when they caught something off about this inspection sticker...", read a recent Facebook post by the New York State Police (NYSP). Looking at the sticker (below), it's clear what caught their eye.

NYSP via Facebook
NYSP via Facebook

Wait, Is that Real?

Instead of the standard New York State inspection sticker, troopers found this homemade version on the driver's windshield. It reads (we think) "NEW YORK STATE… SORRY LIFE SUX... INSUFFICIENT [undecipherable] BABY". The comments were just as entertaining as the sticker itself.


The Internet Reacts

"That's why I wasn't a cop... No way I could give him a ticket", joked one woman. "Love the excuses written into it as well. It's a lifestyle!", added another. Still others shared stories of other found fakes, including one involving a soup can.


Other Counterfeit Attempts

"Back in 1980 while on DWI Patrol we came across a Campbell Soup can label which was red with a silver circle... Same as inspection certificate that year", shared a former police officer. Still others hoped there was leniency given to the "artist" who was clearly struggling financially.


Car Inspections vs. Road Inspections

"Hope a ticket wasn’t issued because they are announcing they have insufficient funds to pay for inspection", said one New York resident. "I honestly hope they let him go with a warning", said another. Still others made comments bemoaning that while cars are inspected, many public roads are not. See the worst ones below.

'Unacceptable' New York Roads Costing Drivers Insane Amount of Money

A study found a shocking amount of "unacceptable" roads in New York are costing residents a ton of money each year. The good news, that may change. Here's why.

The 5 Most Dangerous Roads In New York State

The most dangerous roads in New York.