Unemployment in Hudson Valley Continues to Decline
If you're looking for a job here in the Hudson Valley, it looks like things are continuing to get better.
Obviously the past several years have been tough on the job front; the amount of jobs lost and the amount of people clinging to jobs (and being given no choice but to accept more/different responsibilities for fear of losing the jobs they were able to keep) has been disheartening.
So it's always nice to receive some relatively good news when it comes to employment. Per the Daily Freeman:
Putnam County continued to have the lowest unemployment rate in the Hudson Valley in February at 4.9 percent, lower than the overall Hudson Valley rate of 5.3 percent and fourth lowest of the state’s 62 counties. ...
In February, there were 57,800 people unemployed in the Hudson Valley, down from 59,900 in January and 69,400 in February of last year.
They also have a handy chart in that article to show you how much things have declined over the past year or so.