This Week’s Rock News: Lindsey Buckingham Goes His Own Way
Did you catch rock news every day this week on The Boris and Robyn Show? I hope the answer is yes, but if you missed it, here's a recap in about a minute. And there was some shocking news this week.
The shocker came from Fleetwood Mac with the announcement that Lindsey Buckingham would no longer be part of the band. And they will be replacing him with two stellar musicians. Find out more by listening to this week's rock news. Just click on the link below. We also have news about a cool new Jeff beck documentary, A new reissue that ZZ Top fans will love, and Sebastian Bach is coming to the Hudson Valley. Find out where he'll be and when just by listening to this week's rock news.
We do rock news for you every weekday morning at 6:45 on The Boris and Robyn Show. But if you miss it, you can always check back here at the end of the week for the recap.