This Crazy Stuff Is Really on Hudson Valley’s Craigslist
You know that if you're looking to buy or sell, say, a lawnmower, it makes sense to take a look at Craigslist. It's probably more cost-effective to be able to pick the thing up from someone in your community than to have it shipped to you.
You also know that if you're looking for weird sex listings, it makes sense to look at Craigslist. But we aren't going to get into that.
What we are going to get into is the more strange, off-beat, oddly specific things that are currently available on Craigslist right here in the Hudson Valley.
A Barber Pole
If you've always wanted to be a barber but just never had the right equipment, retail space, or adequate training, well, you might not yet be able to open a shop, but if you head on over to Craigslist, you'll be able to get a barber pole and, really, isn't that half the battle?
What is the make and model of the barber pole, you ask? Well, you've got very specific knowledge and interest in barber poles, but here you go: "Vintage 1950s Style MODEL 55 William MARVY BARBER SHOP POLE." So head on over here and grab it while you can.
Who says that physical media is dying? Okay, aside from industry analysts and experts predicting a future based almost exclusively around streaming and the fact that the sales of DVDs and Blu-Rays drops by double-digit percentage points every year.
But forget those Debbie Downers! I mean, heck, cassette tapes have made a comeback for some completely irrational, kitsch-and-nostalgia-based reason, so why not get your hands on this CD/DVD printer so that when people view CDs and DVDs as "vintage," you can cash in? It'll only set you back $2000, and you can get it from someone right here in your own back yard!
Yes, you read that right. You can go on Craigslist and just buy yourself a gas station. For $375,000, you can own your very own "Branded Self-Service Gas Station With Dunkin Donuts."
What's weird about this is that listing it it presumes that you believe one of two things: either people go on Craigslist looking to buy gas stations, which seems insane, or that people go on Craigslist to browse for bargains and impulsively decide to buy gas stations.
Best of luck to the person selling this gas station.
So there you have it, all sorts of unique and specific things available right here in the Hudson Valley. Grab one of them if you'd like. Or, if you're a real visionary, you'll buy them all and make a combination gas station/CD pressing company/barber shop.