Police: Man Arrested For DWI While Attending DWI Victim Panel
A Dutchess County man was arrested for DWI while attending a DWI victim impact panel.
At approximtely 6:55 p.m. Thursday, Dutchess County Sheriff's arrested 51- year old David M. Kilmer, of fishkill, N.Y.
Prior to the traffic stop, Kilmer was refused entry into the Victim Impact Panel due to a high blood alcohol content.
The Victim Impact Panel is a court ordered program operated by Council on Addiction Prevention and Education of Dutchess County. atendees are ordered to attend after being convicted alcohol or drug driving offenses.
The program contains several volunteers whose lives have been impacted by serious or fatal crashes related to impaired driving incidents.
Kilmer was refused entry due to intoxication, and was advised he was nearly three times the legal limit.He claimed he did not operate a vehicle before his attendence,and was told not to operate a vehicle and call for a ride home.
Kilmer was then observed leaving the parking lot a few minutes later in a Chevy pick-up. Deputies stopped Kilmer and arreted him for DWI. Kilmer was also foudn to operating his vehicle with a suspended and revoked license.
He was charged with Aggravated DWI and Felony Aggravated Unlicensed Operation, Aggravated Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle is a felony since his license was both suspended and revoked for an alcohol related offense and he was intoxicated while operating the vehicle.
Kilmer was ordered to attend the Victim Impact Panel due to an alcohol related driving offense conviction on January 18,, 2018 in the Town of Fishkill