It is an in and out theme for the month of March on My Lost Treasure.  You know, the in like a lion out like a lamb saying.  That was my inspiration.  Today's treasure was a suggestion from my facebook friend Pam Ferguson, and it is a really good "out" song from Creedence Clearwater Revival.

I remember loving this song when I was a kid, with it's toe tapping tune and silly lyrics. I had no idea what it all meant, but eventually I came to thinking it must have had something to do with drugs or a drug trip.  I am not sure if I am right or wrong about that, but it still sounds that way to me.  And I still love this song, so thanks Pam!

Pam wrote to me on facebook with her idea, and you can do the same.  Or email me at, or write in the comment section below.  Thanks, and have a great weekend.