My Lost Treasure: Bob Seger
I have a thing about Bob Seger. It's not a thing that I love him or anything. In fact, it's a thing that I neither love him nor hate him. Don't get me wrong...I recognize his talent. I have a lot of friends that love Bob Seger. My brother loves Bob Seger. I don't know why I have this thing.
If a Bob Seger song comes on the radio, I won't turn it off, but I won't usually turn it up. There are a couple of exceptions, though. Today's lost treasure is one of them. For some reason, I really like Main Street. I'll even turn it up when I hear it.
Since I'm in the middle of a series of street songs, you get some Bob Seger. And no offense to Bob Seger fans...I knows he's a really good musician...I just have this thing...