‘Move Sullivan’ Expands Routes, New Fares
Sullivan County's year-old public transportation system, Move Sullivan is taking the next step forward by expanding routes and changing fares.
Move Sullivan buses have been running throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the buses will now be expanding routes to meet the public's demand. The new routes will begin on November 2.
Laura Quigley, Community Resources Commissioner, who oversees the program said:
In addition to realignments of some existing stops to better serve riders, Move Sullivan buses will now travel into Sleepy Hollow Apartments in the Village of Monticello, visit Crystal Run Healthcare in Rock Hill, run to the Liberty Market grocery store and Achieve Rehab and Nursing Facility in the Village of Liberty, swing by the Woodbourne traffic light, and stop at Green Avenue in the heart of the Village of Woodridge
Additionally, which has been intended for quite some time, Move Sullivan buses will begin a $2-per-trip fare which also goes into effect on November 2. The county will offer three-trip ticket booklets for $5.
Tickets for the buses must be purchased in cash, exact change only. Also, please be aware that transfers between buses will be allowed at no charge, as long as the rider obtains a free transfer ticket from the bus drivers.
Sullivan County Legislature Chairman Robert A. Doherty said:
My fellow legislators and I remain committed to ensuring local commuters, shoppers and students have a way to get where they’re going even if they have no vehicle of their own. This service is vital to our economy, and I’m intent on strengthening and expanding our middle-class workforce through important initiatives like this.
More information can be found on Sullivan County's Government website
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