Most Haunted Hudson Valley Location #3: The Patchett House
There is a house in Montgomery NY that looks innocent enough from the outside, but inside there is a long history of death, mystery and hauntings.The Patchett House was built around 1824. Early it was used as a tavern, which was a popular stop along the old Newburgh-Cohecton Turnpike, which is now Rt 17K. Some 7 decades later, the tavern was purchased by Arthur Patchett, who was the co-owner of the Montgomery Worsted Mill Company on Factory Street. The tavern was converted into a home for Patchett and his family. The Patchetts lived there until 1976, when the last remaining heir, Emma Patchett passed away at the age of 97.
Since her death, there have been many sightings of Emma's spirit, including multiple people passing by on the street who claim to have seen her staring blankly out of the second floor bedroom, the same bedroom where she had lived for so many years. In her life, Emma Patchett was a recluse. She owned many cats and never married. Many believe that her ghost continues to live in the house where she died. In fact, visitors to the Patchett House have reported doors and windows opening and closing on their own and lights turning on and off. An old fashioned telephone in the home was reported to have been heard ringing... after it had been disconnected for years.
Years after Emma's death the home was converted into a funeral parlor and morgue. In fact, the original embalming sinks still remain in the basement. A year after setting up business, the funeral director mysteriously disappeared. To this day, no one knows what happened to him, as his body was never seen again. Some believe he was scared away by Emma who did not like sharing her home with a man. The house laid vacant for 20 years until restoration began in 2005. Today, it houses The Walkill River School for art, and continues to be the source of many ghost sightings.
Donna Parish-Bischof is the author of The Lee Avenue Haunting and Growing Up Paranormal. Co-founder of Indy Para, Paranormal Investigators located in Hyde Park, New York and online at indypara.com Donna is also the Co-host of this year’s Wappingers Falls First Annual Halloween Parade and festival that took place on October 18th. Visit hauntedhudsonvalleyhalloweenmagazine.com for more information on next year’s Halloween festival. She is also a contributing writer for HHVHM. Donna’s books can be purchased online at amazon.com.