Local Teen Raising Money for Childhood Cancer Research
When I was a teenager it seems my biggest worries were what would I wear and what parties are happening this weekend. Maybe that is why I am so amazed and impressed when I see a teenager raising money and working for a good cause. Teens today get a bad reputation, but there are plenty of great and caring kids out there.
One of them is Theresa Pellegrino who has signed up to be a Shavee for St. Baldricks to raise money for childhood cancer research. Theresa said if she raised two hundred dollars she would shave the underside of her head, and she has already met that goal. If she reaches a thousand dollars, she will shave her whole head, and she's almost there.
The big shave will be at the Walden Firehouse on Old Orange Avenue in Walden on April 1 at 1 pm. You can join Theresa there to support her and her cause. To donate, visit https://www.stbaldricks.org/participants/teegoesbald. Good luck and good work, Theresa!