Hudson Valley Landmark Winery Has Cameo in New Netflix Film
Have you ever been watching a film or show on TV and realized that one of the props looks familiar? You are all engrossed in the plot and suddenly you are aware that something on the screen is a product you use that you wouldn't expect to see in a movie.
I remember watching "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" for the first time and realizing that a piece of art I own was also in the film. I stopped the movie are hit rewind because I couldn't believe my eyes. I didn't think my painting was one of a kind after all I got it at an auction for $100 but I also didn't expect to see it front and center in a Hollywood blockbuster.
Washintonville New York Winery Has a Cameo in New Netflix Hit
A local winery had one of those ah-ha moments this week and shared it on social media. If you have watched the new Netflix hit "Leave the World Behind" and you are a wine drinker you may have already spotted it.
Front and center on the kitchen counter throughout the movie, even in the trailer are bottles of Brotherhood, America's Oldest Winery Wines. From the Facebook post they shared it seems as though this was not pre-arranged and came as a real surprise.
How Do Movies And TV Shows Get Their Props?
If you wonder how things end up in movies and on TV shows I am confident it wouldn't surprise you to know that they often pay from product placement. Coors in episodes of Yellowstone is most likely a good example of that concept but I can't say for sure.
Many times movie prop people and scouts go out ahead of filming and hunt down things that will make the background of a production more authentic. In the case of Leave the World Behind they were in New York so why not be drinking a New York wine?
How Could Brotherhood Winery Pinot Noir End Up In A Film
Choosing the Brotherhood for the wine in the movie is a no-brainer for me. Their Pinot Noir is one of my favorites. I constantly give it as a gift to people hosting me for a meal. It seems from the Brotherhood's post they weren't aware that they would be the wine of choice on screen so I am going to venture a guess that someone involved with the film is a fan like me.
I might even go as far as saying the fan could be Julia Roberts herself. She has spent time in the Hudson Valley and most likely has heard of the Brotherhood, America's Oldest Winery. Another obvious connection could be Hudson Valley native Kevin Beacon.
Leave the World Behind Gives Hudson Valley Winery a Cameo
It even made the trailer check out the 27-second mark. The Brotherhood bottle has a big part on the kitchen counter in this film. Plus it is the wine of choice for the characters in this thriller.