It seems like since February of 2020 we are in a Groundhog Day nightmare with COVID-19. Just when we think that we are out of the woods, a variant path leads us right back in. Maybe the woods aren't as thick, but they are surely annoying.

Throughout my time in quarantine and beyond, I have, like I usually do when I'm stressed and filled with anxiety about something, handled it with humor. It's a coping mechanism for me. Well, that and eating right now, but I'm trying to work on the eating part. Trust me, my anxiety has been through the roof. At times, last year, I just as much time crying or teary-eyed as I did dry-eyed. I worried about my friends, my family, my son, and the world.

When I use humor to deal, I mean no disrespect to whatever is going on that is stressing everyone out, it's just that laughing or making jokes is what helps to calm my soul. If I don't find a little humor in the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and laugh a little, I will cry.

COVID had been a nightmare like the world has never experienced and it looks like it is far from over. I'm not the only one that handles stressful situations with humor, some people (comedians, actors, radio personalities) make a living using this type of defense mechanism to get through overwhelming situations. Because I do it, I totally respect others who do it too.

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Maybe that is why TikTok has become my happy place. Yes, it can be ridicuous and time-wasting, but if it puts me in a better mood, is it all bad? I don't think so.

This guy on TikTok got my attention right away. I love when comedians and actors do quick-cut videos giving voices to things, or feelings, moods, anything that doesn't normally talk. It's hilarious. Tiffany Jenkins, of Juggling the Jenkins, does this all the time with negative voices in her head. It's sad knowing she had to deal with depression and anxiety, I can relate. But the way she almost makes fun of it, through comedy is priceless.

@bmotheprince gave voices to COVID, the Delta Variant, and the vaccines as if they are having a conversation about where we're at, and it's hilarious.

@bmotheprinceThe Vaccines Meet “The Variant.”♬ original sound - B Mo the Prince

LOOK: Answers to 30 common COVID-19 vaccine questions

While much is still unknown about the coronavirus and the future, what is known is that the currently available vaccines have gone through all three trial phases and are safe and effective. It will be necessary for as many Americans as possible to be vaccinated in order to finally return to some level of pre-pandemic normalcy, and hopefully these 30 answers provided here will help readers get vaccinated as soon they are able.

The Funniest Coronavirus Memes & Tweets That Will Get Us All Through This

If 2020 Were A Person