The New State Electric and Gas Corporation is preparing crews for the arrival of Tropical Storm Elsa.

Tropical Storm Elsa is scheduled to make its way into our area Friday morning. As a result of the weather, NYSEG stated that customers in Westchester, Putnam, and Dutchess Counties may experience service disruptions due to the weather. The current forecasts show the storm following an easterly path, but crews are preparing in the event the storm changes its course.

Residents can expect up to two-and-a-half inches of rain on Friday and if Elsa does move towards the service area, 30-35 mph wind gusts. The rain can result in softened soil conditions, which have the potential to bring down trees and limbs, and cause damage to powerlines.

NYSEG is urging customers to monitor forecasts for the possibility of service interruptions. You can receive outage alerts at the NYSEG website. Be sure to keep battery-operated flashlights and radios on hand, along with supplies of drinking water and non-perishable foods. Also, be sure to make sure your vehicle's gas tank is filled.

If you encounter downed wires, stay at least 30-feet from the wire. If your vehicle comes in contact with a downed wire, stay inside and wait for help. If you must get out because of fire or other danger, jump clear of the vehicle to avoid any contact with the vehicle and the ground at the same time. Land with your feet together and hop with feet together or shuffle away, don’t run or stride.

Be safe out there.

Lightning Facts vs Myth

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, also know as NOAA put together five important facts and myths that we should know about lightning. There are five things you should know when encountering lightning. Keep things things in mind the next time you get stuck in a storm.

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