After 12-months of staying away from people and staying home, I fear has had its effects on me, and I think I might be okay with it.

I have always been a social person, that's why I chose the career I did. I could always talk to anybody, be in front of crowds, it wasn't a problem. But, being stuck at home for so long with little contact with anybody other than my family starts to take its toll on you.

I feel that I'm becoming almost a hermit, lost in my own little world, and pretty content honestly. This is very strange for me, being an extrovert, but I think I like my inner introvert. I'm at the point where when someone suggests going somewhere, I'm not interested in the least bit. I feel like I should feel the complete opposite, and jump at a chance to do something.

While I've always been a social person and love being out and about, I've also always enjoyed my time when I didn't have to be "on", and I could just unwind. Now I feel as though the pandemic has left me in unwind mode permanently. While I'm sure I'll bounce back to my old self eventually, it's just weird to experience, it's almost like being a completely different person.

How has the pandemic affected you? We've all been through the wringer with this stupid pandemic, and have been affected in some way. Maybe you can't take it anymore and you need out and things need to get back quickly to where they were? Leave you comments and experiences.

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LOOK: Answers to 30 common COVID-19 vaccine questions

While much is still unknown about the coronavirus and the future, what is known is that the currently available vaccines have gone through all three trial phases and are safe and effective. It will be necessary for as many Americans as possible to be vaccinated in order to finally return to some level of pre-pandemic normalcy, and hopefully these 30 answers provided here will help readers get vaccinated as soon they are able.

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