E-Z Pass Customers Will Pay More to Cross Bridges 5/1/21
Didn't the toll to cross the five New York State Bridge Authority Bridges just go up? Now they are going up again? Yes, and yes.
The amount that you paid, with an E-Z Pass went up on May 1, 2020 and will go up on May 1, 2021. Also a quick heads up the toll will go up again on 5/1/22 and 5/1/23.
How much will the toll increase be for you? How much is the regular toll to cross one of the five local bridges if you don't have an E-Z Pass? Well, you might not even notice the increase as it will be an additional 10 cents to cross the bridges, the new rate on 5/1/21 will increase from $1.35 to $1.45, which is still less than the standard non-E-ZPass rate of $1.75 per trip.
If you have a commuter plan, which you go across the bridges more than 17 times in a month, the increase will go from $1.10 to $1.20. Yes, these savings might seem small to most people, especially if you do not cross the bridges often, but as with all small amounts they do add up.
The bridges that are included in this May 1, 2021 increase are the:
- Mid Hudson Bridge
- Newburgh Beacon Bridge
- Bear Mountain Bridge
- Kingston Rhinecliff Bridge
- Rip Van Winkle Bridge Catskill-Hudson
From taking a look at the plan the additional increases look to be about an additional 10 cents per year. Here is a look at the entire list of increases, by toll category, click here it is a PDF, but you don't have to download it.
If you do have an E-Z Pass you might want to check out the app that they now have for users. It has been super convenient for myself. Apple or Android. I have found it way easier to navigate than the regular E-ZPass website.
How Will You Pay Higher Toll if Your E-Z Pass is Not Mounted Correctly
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