Death Cafe Is Better Than it Sounds
If someone asks you if you would like to attend a Death Cafe, you might be tempted to say "Hell No!" It just sounds a little scary, to say the least. But, from what I'm hearing, it's just the opposite. Curious about a Death Café? You can find out for yourself this Saturday, Feb. 10 at 2 pm in the Boardman Road Branch Library in Poughkeepsie.
At a Death Cafe, people drink tea, eat cake, and discuss death. The aim is to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their lives. There is no set agenda to the gathering. The Death Café is a movement that has spread internationally since its inception in 2011. I must admit, I have never heard of such a thing, but it could be interesting and enlightening.
This Saturday's Death Café at the Boardman Road Branch Library in Poughkeepsie is free and open to the public. For more information, visit their facebook page.