Car Caught Crashing Into Downed Tree on Hudson Valley Road
Here's something you don't see every day, a car driving right into a tree.
The Hudson Valley was hit with wet, heavy snow on Friday that brought down power lines and trees all over the region. Thousands were without power and on Monday there were people still dealing with outages. Roadways were closed down because of the fallen trees and utility poles with drivers scrambling for ways to get home.
James Vallone was driving in Hyde Park during Friday's storm when he came across a tree that had fallen in the middle of Route 9G. Stopping to take a picture of the storm damage, Vallone says he captured the incredible footage that has been making the rounds on Facebook.
A driver in Hyde Park wasn't going to let a big tree get in their way while driving through Friday's storm.. Vallone says the car he caught on his phone made no attempt to stop when approaching the enormous tree blocking Route 9G. All he could do was watch as it continued on a collision course with the tree.
We're not sure if the driver was distracted and didn't see the enormous tree in their way or if they thought they could just drive right over it. The good news is that, according to Vallone, the driver was "100 percent unharmed" in the crash. Which is lucky for them. This could have ended much worse.